Installing a Wall Bracket: Fitting an AED wall bracket to hod an AED unit safely
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Defib Store Universal AED Wall Hanger Installation Guide
1. Introduction
Discover the low-cost, indoor storage solution for AEDs.
2. Features
- Universal Compatibility: Suitable for all AED brands
- Durable Material: Manufactured from galvanized steel in the UK
- Protective Coating: Powder coating for added longevity
- Clear Instructions: High-quality vinyl with step-by-step emergency guidance
- Dimensions: 33cm (H) x 28cm (W) x 15cm (Projection)
3. Installation
Location: Choose a secure, flat wall in a prominent area
- Reception
- Central Office
- Main Walkway
Ensure easy access and awareness for building occupants.
3.1. Installation Steps
- Position the hanger on the wall
- Mark hole positions for screws
- Use a spirit level for straight holes
- Drill 7.5mm holes for roll plugs
- Insert roll plugs
- Tighten screws into roll plugs
4. AED Placement
Securely place the defibrillator on the hanger, making it rescue-ready.
5. Conclusion
Your AED is now easily accessible and visible, ready to help save lives in case of cardiac emergencies.
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