Installing Your AED Cabinet: How to fit an AED cabinet to a wall

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3 min 19 sec
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Installing an AED Cabinet: Step-by-Step Guide

1. Determine the Installation Height

Measure from the floor and select a height between 1 and 1.35 metres from the bottom of the cabinet as your desired installation point.

2. Drill and Secure the First Hole

Begin by drilling your first hole and inserting the wall plug. Temporarily insert a bolt into the top right-hand hole and tighten it slightly to support the cabinet's weight. This helps mark out the remaining hole positions.

3. Ensure Level Placement

Place a spirit level on top of the cabinet and adjust it until it's perfectly level. Mark the other three drilling positions through the holes in the back of the cabinet.

4. Carefully Lower the Cabinet

Remove the first bolt, gently place the cabinet on the floor, and proceed to drill the remaining three holes.

5. Insert Wall Plugs

Once you've drilled all four holes, gently tap wall plugs into each hole using a hammer until they are flush with the wall.

6. Insert Bolts and Washers

An assistant should hold the cabinet up to the holes you drilled. Insert bolts through steel washers and small nylon washers, passing them through the cabinet's holes and into the wall plugs.

7. Secure the Cabinet

Tighten the bolts in a clockwise motion, making four or five turns on each bolt until the cabinet is securely fastened to the wall. Avoid over-tightening to prevent cabinet deformation.

8. Plan Electrical Supply Entry

Determine the entry point for the electrical supply, guided through the gland at the cabinet's bottom. We recommend hardwiring the unit, avoiding drilling additional holes.

9. Tighten the Gland for a Watertight Seal

Once connected, tighten the gland at the bottom to create a watertight seal around the cable.

10. Activate the Magnetic Light (if applicable)

If your cabinet includes a magnetic light, insert the batteries and attach it to the inner front of the cabinet. The light is motion-sensored and activates when the door is opened.

11. Initial Operation

During the first four weeks of use, the cabinet door may be stiff to open and close due to the silicone gasket. Apply firm but controlled pressure to lock or unlock the door without slamming it.