Where to install your AED cabinet: Find the best place to install an AED box

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Choosing the Right Defibrillator Cabinet: Key Considerations

Selecting the Location

Prominence Matters: When deciding on a location for your defibrillator cabinet, opt for a prominent spot that's easily accessible.

Power Supply: Ensure the chosen location has access to an electrical power source, as the cabinet contains a thermostatically controlled heating element for the lights, requiring a 240-volt AC current.

Temperature Control: The thermostatic heating element activates at 8 degrees Centigrade, preventing the gel-based electrode pads from freezing or losing effectiveness.

Mounting Surface

Choose a Solid Base: Ideally, mount the defibrillator cabinet on a solid brick surface to ensure secure installation.

Avoid Unstable Surfaces: Mounting on wooden or unstable surfaces, such as a fence, may lead to difficulties in cabinet access and defibrillator retrieval.

Weatherproofing and Visibility

IP66 Rating: Prioritize cabinets with an IP66 rating for full weatherproofing, protecting the defibrillator from water and dust, ensuring optimal performance in all conditions.

Visibility: Cabinets with integrated lighting offer visibility through a viewing window, allowing you to confirm the defibrillator's readiness. Some models feature removable magnetic lights for additional versatility.

Beacon in the Dark: Cabinets with permanent lighting act as beacons in the dark, enhancing visibility and accessibility during emergencies.

Note: Carefully consider these factors when selecting and installing your defibrillator cabinet to ensure it is readily available and functional when needed.